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Make Energy Visible.

Use real-time energy data from your buildings to make data-driven decisions about reducing energy waste.

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We make energy and air intelligent.

See Energy

Visible Energy

See where energy waste occurs, target improvement opportunities, accurately track ROI, and report carbon credits with machine-level granularity and minute-by-minute resolution..

Greentech Environmental air purification systems
Breath Better!

Clean Indoor Air

High-efficiency air purification systems. Innovative ODOGard© filter technology  help keep respiratory irritants and pathogens at bay while eliminating odors with 30% less air flow resistance than traditional HEPA filters. 

Loop EV charging system and mobile app
Get Charged

EV Charging

High output fast-charging technology for EV drivers on the go plus the industry’s most flexible payment options. Multiple ways to initiate a charge session, all-new innovative user interface on top of an easy-to-use mobile app provides the most advanced connectivity solutions.

Step 1:  Visualize energy data.

See your building’s energy system in real-time.

Machine-level data across your entire property portfolio, or down to the fryer in the cafeteria.


Measure energy waste, prioritize projects, verify carbon credits.

Energy waste reduction is hard cost savings.

How much energy waste have we found?


Education - $8 mil yr 1

Automotive - kWh

Banking - 55% via Lighting Retrofits

See Case Studies

How Energy Management Funds Air Quality in Schools

Reducing energy waste returns dollars to the classroom. It is estimated that half of U.S. schools have areas with IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) problems.

More on Air Quality

We work closely with Head Starts on IAQ improvement projects because bad air can significantly impact performance in school. The impact is most profound with our youngest learners, who are building a foundation and learning skills that they will need for the rest of their learning journeys.

See the impact for this extraordinary teacher that was being driven to early retirement with asthma symptoms. She’s opening a new school!  See Video – 2:11

The ability to connect air quality monitoring tools to the Eniscope IoT device allows IAQ metrics to move seamlessly to the cloud. Monitor problem areas (mold, moisture, fungals, smoke) and verify improvements from air purification and filtration mitigation measures.

We also have complete mold and moisture testing and remediation services.

“If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

Peter Drucker, Management Consultant, Teacher, Author

Discover Eniscope

What can you do with IoT connected energy monitoring?

Lowers costs, enable data-driven decisions with ROI visibility, maintain equipment assets more effectively, and track, validate, and report carbon credits.


Measure to Improve

Measure, analyze, target the highest ROI improvement projects, and then test before committing to capital expense. “Iterative Deployment.”


Measure Machines

Machine-level data enables predictive analytics on equipment. Analysts can actually see problems before they happen, and better monitor maintenance. 


Report Accurately

Accurate real-time data to verify, dashboard, and report out on everything from total harmonic distortion on an air compressor to carbon credits.

Energy Monitoring IoT Hubs
Dollars Saved by School District
Billion Data Points Per Month
Energy Waste Reduction (Mfg)

Use your data to reduce energy waste and save dollars.

Real people, real testimonials. Hear from our community.

“Now I can honestly show the members of this community how much money we are saving them on a minute-by-minute basis. We use it every day.”

Chris Farkas
Deputy Superintendent

“We’ve had the Eniscope for about a month and I’ve been able to save 43% of energy costs.”

Bethune University
Chief Engineer

“The Eniscope system in combination with the energy management services has given us an effective toolset that delivers business insights we never have had before.”

Peter Bank Madsen
Head of Construction, KFI